Mar Gregorios Orthodox Christian Student Movement

(Joint Unit of St. Gregorios of Dutchess & St. Paul’s of Albany,NY)


The Objects of the Movement shall be:
a) To bring together the students of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church with a view to deepening their spiritual lives and creating in them a deep sense of Christian fellowship;
b) To enable the members to bear witness to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every of life and to help the spread of the Gospel; and
c) To help its members and others to grow up as true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and loyal members of the Church.

The movement shall seek to promote these objects through:

1. Worship

The Movement shall encourage the spirit of worship and train the youth of the Church in private prayer as well as in corporate worship and shall endeavor to teach them the meaning of the liturgy and other forms of worship, by inculcating the habit of regular participation at the Holy Qurbana and arranging retreats and special days of prayer;

2. Study

The Movement shall organize study groups, lecture series, seminars, symposia and regional and annual conferences for the study of the Bible, History and Faith of the church and social concerns; and

3. Services

The movement shall foster the spirit of service among the youth of the church in total commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ and his words: “Truly I say to you, as you did to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me” (Mathew 25:40).
In furtherance of the objects, the Movement shall endeavor


Any student of a college, higher secondary or high school who belongs to the Malankara Orthodox Church shall be eligible to become a member of the Movement. Any person other than a student, belonging to the Church and subscribing to the aims and objects of the Movement, shall also be eligible to become a senior member of the Movement.